Project diablo 2 act 5 merc
Project diablo 2 act 5 merc

project diablo 2 act 5 merc

Rogues spam Barrage a lot, which somewhat limits their ranged dps but at the same time, makes them savage blenders at close range. Gains 1% chance to avoid melee attacks per 40 dexterity (60% max) Removed in patch 2.0Ĭomment: They have the same passives and skills, except for their respective buffs so choosing one is mostly based on the buffs.Slows attackers by 25%, +1% per 5 levels.Rogues come in 2 variants: Ranger and Priestess. You can hire them after completing Kashya's quest Blood Raven. Members of the mysterious Sisterhood of the Sightless Eye, a guild of skilled archers who bravely defended the Rogue Encampment against the relentless assaults of Andariel's armies.

project diablo 2 act 5 merc

"Anyone desperate enough can put up a fight against the demons, but only the exceptionally strong and brave will follow plundering maniacs such as yourself into the pits of Hell." These are my own unsolicited opinions and are not meant to be taken as facts.

project diablo 2 act 5 merc

Throughout this article you'll find many instances of Comment scattered around. He covered more builds for Barbarians and went a bit further in itemization so I recommend checking it out. There's also the Ultimate Merc Guide by BoneSpirit (found here), from which I drew inspirations. This is a collection of various players' knowledge and experience put together in one written article. The information found in this guide is not entirely my own original ideas. Therefore, if you have an idea (tested or otherwise) for another merc build that isn't covered in this guide, I encourage you to share your build in the replies so the community as a whole will benefit from it. They have their moments in classic Diablo II, but in Median XL, hirelings have been elevated to a whole new level of usefulness like never before.Įven though I have invested a good chunk of time into tinkering over many seasons, this guide is not meant to be all-encompassing but more of a foundation on which newer players could build their understanding and in turn, their own versions of merc if they so choose. Hirelings, or mercenaries, are helpful companions in your adventures throughout the world of Sanctuary. Don't expect the powerhouse they used to be. Quick warning: All mercs have been massively nerfed in patch 2.0. UNDER CONSTRUCTION FOR 2.0! SOME INFORMATION MAY NOT BE UP-TO-DATE!. THE HIRELING HANDBOOK Everything you need to know about mercenaries.

Project diablo 2 act 5 merc